Sunday, April 15, 2012

Swirling Colors

So we did another fun science experiment and Corbin along with my kids from the daycare loved it.

Materials you'll need :
  • A bowl/dish
  •  Whole Milk
  • 2 or more different colors of food coloring 
  • 1/2 cotton swabs
  • dish soap
So for this experiment pour the milk in the bowl/dish and I like to see whats brewing in Corbin's mind so I asked him what he thought would would happen when we dropped the colors in. After we took turns putting a drop or two of each color into the milk. 

Next you take the cotton swab and put a dot or two of dish soap on it so the cotton part is mostly covered then insert it into the middle of the dish (do not twirl it or swish it around just hold it steady in the middle of the dish. I again wanted to know what Corbin was observing about it and he was so excited and just kept talking on and on about things he saw.

 Now just watch what happens and if you want to you can take the other cotton swab add a bit more soap and do it again. Hope you all enjoy it!

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