Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Liquid Layer Experiment

This was our first little science experiment and I have to say Corbin loved it. I also tried it on my 4 and 5 year olds at work since they had never done any science explorations either and they loved it as well. Its very simple to do and you probably already have the materials at home to do it.
Materials you'll need are : 
  • A clear jar (old pickle jar, mayo, mason jar something with a lid)
  • 3 cups
  • Colored dish soap 
  • Water(with your choice of food coloring added works better if it is a different color then the dish soap)
  • Vegetable Oil 
I asked Corbin and the 17 kids I had at work to gather around a table and allowed them to spell all the liquids in the cups before pouring them. I then explained that I was going to pour in the (blue) water, then add the (green) dish soap, then add in vegetable oil and asked them to predict what they thought would happen which Corbin and the other kids all pretty much agreed it would mix and make dark water. After adding the liquids of course they were freaking out in excitement so I gave each one , and Corbin to observe what happened to the mixture. Then asked them if their guesses were right or not. Then I allowed each one after I sealed the lid tight to give it a good shake to see what would happen. It was followed by a very easy clean up just dump it out add soap and wash the jar and cups out. If you end up trying this activity I hope you and your children enjoy it as much as we did and if not thanks for reading!

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